Control the timing of payments for your Growthbuilt invoices

A welcome letter was recently emailed and posted to you from our contracts administration team.

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How does it work?

You can get paid early in three simple steps

View approved invoices

Simply log in and see what invoices have been approved

Request to be paid early

Submit a request for early payment, you'll get a response by Close of Business.

Get paid early

Accepted offers will be paid early. Growthbuilt has weekly pay runs for early payments.


Why are we offering this program?

Growthbuilt values our relationships with suppliers, and wants to provide a new way to help you manage your cashflow.

Why use early payments?

Early payments are a direct payment from Growthbuilt to you, once your offer is accepted on the platform, Growthbuilt will pay your approved invoice in the next pay run.

Does anything change with how I claim or submit invoices?

Nothing in your claim/invoice process changes, continue to submit in the same way you do today.

Are there any fees?

Access to the platform is provided for free. Early payments are based on a discount offered by yourself. You are in control of whether your request early payment, and what discount you offer.

How do I get started?

Simply complete the online account activation.

How do I contact support?

You can email platform support queries to support@growthbuiltpay.com.

Any queries related to projects should be sent to your project manager or contract administrator.